A Daring Experience

As I look at my calendar I see that my days in Barcelona are slowly coming to an end and I can’t help but feel and immense sadness. Barcelona has been my home for the past 4 months and I say my home because it was. It wasn’t just the place I lived in, it was my home. It has taken me so much for me to find that one place where I truly felt like I belonged. I know it sounds cliché but Barcelona stole my heart. From the beginning I knew this was going to happen, I tried not to fall in love with the city because I knew I was going to get too attached. I’ve decided to stay an extra month just so I can full enjoy it. IMG_5613

During my stay here I have learned so much and I’m not just talking about the classes I took. I mean I really learned. I learned and realized so many things that will help me throughout my life. This whole trip has been an amazing experience that has opened my eyes to new cultures and new ideas I wasn’t even aware existed. I also learned to be less selfish. I’ve realized we are so spoiled in America. I volunteered as an English teacher at a convent who took care of children here in Barcelona and you would think I was the one that taught them something but the truth is they made the bigger impact on me, and those kids have taught me so much. There were these kids who didn’t have anything, no parents, no family, and no money but still had smiles on their faces every day. I realized that we are so wrapped up in our own worlds with our material items that we don’t realize that happiness goes beyond getting a new item. Happiness is something that is supposed to last forever not something that is satisfied for a few days or even hours with the purchase of something. It’s true happiness what people look for and I saw that in them. IMG_7513

While I was here, I tried so many new things and challenged myself to be more open to new things. I tried different foods, participated in cultural events, and even learned a new language. It’s that knowledge that lasts forever, and it’s that knowledge that will help me in the future. Overall I would say this experience was the best one I’ve had. I’m so sad to leave but I know I will come back, even if its for a few weeks for vacation or if maybe in a few years I decide to pack my bags and move. For the time being, Barcelona will forever be in my heart and I will remember all these marvelous experiences I once dared to attain.

Sant Jordi

Sant Jordi is a holiday celebrated only in Catalunya. It is celebrated on April 23rd of each year and it consists of a man giving a woman a rose and the woman gives the man a book. The streets of Barcelona are filled with flower and book stands and people fill up the streets. I had never been in Barcelona during Sant Jordi’s day but it was an experience I will always remember.  IMG_7827

I had been told that Sant Jordi gets a little crazy in Barcelona since it is such a big city, but I never knew how much. Las Ramblas was completely crowded making it almost impossible to get through. Buildings hanged large Catalan flags, showing their pride. Because of the recent political events and because Sant Jordi is just a Catalan celebration, many citizens used this opportunity to not only show their love for their region but to protest as well. There were so many protests from work related reasons to the independence movement.

IMG_7803As I made my way down las Ramblas there were book stands with books from different genres. There were soccer books, books about Spain, or anything else you can think of. There were also many rose stands. Although its very traditional to give the woman a red rose the color of the roses ranged from purple to tie-dye which made it better in my opinion. It’s definitely a day  you have to spend in Barcelona. Although the streets were so crowded I could barely get through I wouldn’t have spent Sant Jordi’s day anywhere else.

Mexico National Team

The Mexican National team hasn’t been living up to its standards lately. They haven’t won a single game this year and they’re coming in with only 3 points for the World Cup Qualifiers. I cannot really complain because we haven’t lost either.  The Mexican National Team has been tied with opponents who don’t measure up to them. Teams like Jamaica have been able to play well enough to keep our best strikers from scoring and this is usually not the case.

In October of 2010, the Mexican National Team announced they would have a new coach. And in February of 2011, Jose Manuel “El Campeones-de-la-Copa-de-Oro-2011Chepo” De La Torre made his debut.  Out of the 11 games he coached that year only 1 of them was a loss. His statistics were good, and the Mexico National team was winning big. During the CONCACAF Gold Cup, Mexico won with score lines of 5-0 although it always wasn’t the case. That summer, the Mexico National Team won the Gold Cup against the United States National Team even though they were down by 2 goals. That day will always be remembered and not only because Mexico won the Gold Cup, but because of the magnificent goal Giovani Dos Santos scored.

It seemed like we were winning by a lot but their play didn’t live up to the score in many of the matches. Two years later we see Mexiconationalteamourselves in the World Cup Qualifiers playing the way we should have always played, but now the score is the one who doesn’t live up. Although there is not much to worry about yet because we have only lost 3 games of the 32 played since “El Chepo” has been here, we have to make a few changes in our squads.  “El Chepo” De La Torre likes to experiment with new players, placing them in different positions. For the Mexico vs Peru game on April 27th, he called up the less experienced players.And even though we haven’t been winning as much as we should have, I, along with many other Mexican fans, trust “El Chepo.” I believe he will straighten up the players and bring us the joy of seeing the Mexican National team win once again.


Last week I went to a late night show called “Etiquetats.” This is Catalan for labels. I went to the show thinking it was going to be like any other late night show, it was going to be a comedy something like Lopez Tonight, which was cancelled. It was not.

IMG_7400When we first arrived most of the guests who were going to form part of the audience were in costumes. There were a great variety of them from Instagram pictures to bananas. That’s when I knew I was in for a surprise; this was not a regular show. And it was not, at the beginning of the show we were offered beer and the hosts were drinking beer on air. They cursed and even made not so PG-13 jokes. It was a little uncomfortable at first especially because I don’t fully understand Catalan yet and the audience was sitting on pillows, which really wasn’t all that great. It gradually became better.

I really loved the set up and the content of the show was great. It did run a bit long for my liking but the hosts are talented. One of the hosts is a great pianist and sings just as well. The part I most loved about the show was the use of the media. They were always tweeting and trying toIMG_7402 interact with the audience, I think that’s the most important part.

As the show finished, I finally realized why it was called Labels. Its like they took all those labels society gives and threw them out the window. Their show was unique, fun and it showed me that they didn’t care what others thought. They weren’t going to fit into the mold of all these shows, they were going to do what the wanted and if you like it then watch it but if you don’t they don’t. They did this show because they have fun doing it which was why I loved it so much. I’m not sure if that’s why they named it what they did but to me it was a great experience and it taught me to be myself, and not to care much about others’ opinions.


Espanyol: The other club

Last weekend I attended an Espanyol game for the first time. I know what you´re thinking: What is a Barça fan doing at an Espanyol game? In my defense I wasn´t there for the teams I was there because two of my favorite Mexican players were playing: Andres Guardado and Hector Moreno. I don´t regret going, football is football. Its a beautiful game and it doesn´t matter who plays. I was surprised with with how many people showed up. I´m not saying they have a small fan base but I´ve seen different Espanyol games and the stadium never looked as full as when I went.

My trip to the stadium started with a funny story. I´m so bad at planning, anything whether its an important trip or a small event the next day. I showed up at the metro not knowing what metro stop to get off at but I did see a few Espanyol fans. I would just follow them, and I did. I IMG_7580followed them almost to the stadium until a group of Espanyol fans chanting and yelling made their way to me. They asked me if I was going to the Espanyol game and I nodded, so one of the girls grabbed my hand and dragged me into their group, accepting me as one of their own. How mad do you think they will be if they found out I was a Barça fan?, was all I kept thinking. They didn´t ask me if I was an Espanyol fan so technically I wasn´t lying. Some did look at me confused as to whether I wasn´t joining in the chants, but they just assumed I was shy. As we arrived at the stadium one of the guys handed me an Espanyol scarf. Don´t push it. I did grab it though, but I did not wear it. We had an interesting conversation about how I was from the US and they were surprised that I knew that much about football being American and a girl.

As the game was about to start I headed to my seat and realized that the Espanyol games had a different atmosphere. Espanyol is more of a IMG_7604 family club, most people don´t become fans because they think the club is great or because its popular. They don´t have as many titles as other Spanish teams although they have been successful. The reason why most Espanyol fans are Espanyol fans is because their parents were Espanyol fans, and so were their grandparents. The love for the team is passed down from generation to generation and that’s how they keep the club and fan base alive. It was different from other games I´ve been to. In all the Barça games I´ve been too there is a man or group of people sitting behind me yelling insults or criticizing our players when they miss a shot. During the Espanyol game I heard none. I know not all Barça fans are the same way IMG_7645and not all Espanyol fans are completely loyal to their club. But while I was there the fans clapped whenever a player missed, like giving them their support, even for Sergio Garcia who was not having a good game.

As minute 21 approached people started to clap. They clapped for a straight minute in honor of the Espanyol player Daniel Jarque who died at the age of 26. He wore the kit number 21. Right inside the stadium there is also a statue in his honor, he was a very loved player.

The Espanyol fans get a little too happy when the team scores. The guy next to me who I didn´t even know turned to me and hugged me and then continued to jump up and down. My overall experience was a great one. I would definitely go again maybe this time not alone.

Politics 2.0

Presidential campaigns have changed and evolved during the years. As technology advances the candidates can use that to their advantage, connecting more with their public and gaining more support. One of the biggest examples today is that of President Barack Obama. His popularity is owed a lot to social network sites. He understood that the only way to gain young followers was through social media. 1-socialnetwor

Although gaining support for older followers is great, politicians understand that the ones who really matter are the younger voters because they still have a whole lifetime to vote. President Obama knew that the generation he was aiming at, otherwise known as the Y generation, does not trust tv ads or politicians. He decided to get as many social networks as possible and interact with his followers, making him look more of a person and less of a politician. He let his followers know that they could reach out to them and that made them trust him.

I’m not saying the only reason why President Obama was elected was because of social networks but it did help. In the recent 2012 election you could spot the difference. Mitt Romney didn’t have many social networks nor did he update them often. He didn’t interact much with followers and that’s why he gained support from only a few types of followers. Social Network sites are powerful tools and if used correctly could change the world.

Multimedia Report

A multimedia report is defined as a story that is a combination of text, pictures, video clips, audio, graphics and interactivity presented on a web site in a nonlinear format in which the information in each medium is complementary, not redundant. To many, that sounds just like a post a website like CNN would have, but it’s not. Most of these are linear. cnn-news-article

Preparing a good multimedia report isn’t just making it look nice or posting pictures and videos to go along with the text. The reporter or the person who usually puts the stories together, gathers as much information as possible before leaving their desks. This ensures being able to ask the right questions and show knowledge about the topic.

I wrote a multimedia report on Barça and how it has influenced not only their home country but many other countries as well. It is considered by many to be the best club in the world and has taught so many that giving up is never the answer.

More than a Club

The name Barcelona is mentioned and for many the first thing that comes to mind is the team. To some, it is the best team in the world. FC Barcelona or Barça as it is referred to by fans is one of the most successful football clubs not just in Spain but in the rest of the world. Mes Que Un ClubFC Barcelona was founded on November 29, 1899 by Hans-Max Gamper or Joan Gamper as he is known by most. The club has become more of a symbol of Catalan culture and pride. Barça is not just a club. Barça is a way of life, an inspiration, a reminder to keep fighting and to never give up. Their motto “Més que un club” means just that to many fans, more than a club.

Barcelona is considered one of the greatest clubs in the world but not only for their titles and victories. FC Barcelona is a club of values. Many values are instilled in the players at a young age. Many of the players playing in Barcelona are homegrown players, those who have been playing for FC Barcelona their whole life. la masiaBarcelona has a youth academy called La Masia where education is taken very seriously. Boys are admitted at a young age where they not only practice and play football but they also attend school. La Masia takes education very seriously because they know that most players admitted to La Masia do not make it to Barça. They want those who do not make it to be able to go on and do something else with their life, sometimes it’s things that do not relate to football.  It was started by one of the best players to have played for FC Barcelona, Johan Cruyff. The majority of the players currently playing for FC Barcelona went through La Masia.

As Francisco Franco came into power, the Catalans suffered greatly under his rule. He preferred current rival team Real Madrid and they were even referred to as “Franco’s white army.” El ClasicoHe banned the use of Catalan and often times used to his power to help Real Madrid achieve their goals. Many FC Barcelona fans are proud of the team because even through the hardships they have had to overcome they have still become one of the most successful clubs, teaching fans that even when the world is against one, one has to keep fighting. To this day the Clásico, the match between FC Barcelona’s biggest rival Real Madrid, is one of the most important matches in the world. It is not just two teams playing a game; it represents the hardships the Catalans had to suffer. It is a game to let everyone know, that even after everything FC Barcelona has been through they are still here and they are still strong.

FC Barcelona has become a symbol of Catalan culture and pride. During the minute 17:14 of each half many fans, Catalan or not, start yelling “Independencia!” At a Barça game, it is not uncommon to see people with the independence flag. When FC Barcelona plays, it is not just representing great football, it represents the many Catalans who suffered. It represents the current Catalans that have certain problems with identity, that they feel more Catalan than Spanish. It represents the discrimination many Catalans still suffer and the many other fans that even though they are not Catalan they believe in justice.

The hardships Barça has had to overcome are not all relating to the banning of their language and the discrimination. A couple years ago one of Barcelona’s player Eric Abidal was diagnosed with a tumor in his liver. He underwent surgery just a few days later. Just when it was thought that he had beaten it, it came back once again. The club announced that Abidal would have to undergo a liver transplant. His cousin was the donor and in April of 2012 Abidal underwent surgery. abidalOn April 6, 2013, 406 days later, Abidal was finally able to play again against Mallorca in a 5-0 home win. Mallorca was not the only defeated that day. Barcelona’s coach Tito Vilanova was also diagnosed with cancer in 2011. It was thought that he had beaten it but in December of 2012 the club announced that Vilanova was suffering from parotid gland cancer for the second time. He too underwent surgery once again and during the Mallorca game Tito Vilanova made his return.  Barcelona did not just win that game 5-0 they also beat cancer 4-0. If one asks any Barcelona fan, they will say that the victory does not matter what matters is the health of the players. Tito Vilanova told Abidal something that applies to most of the Barça fans, “Your fight is our strength.” And it is.

TrophiesAlthough Barcelona has won their fair share of trophies and championships, every fan knows that is not what makes the club one of the greatest. Barcelona has won many trophies from the Champion’s League to the FIFA Club World Cup. Championships are not always the most important. What makes the team great are the values instilled in the players, to play fair, to be determined and to never give up.


As spring break approached all I kept hearing was my classmates speaking about traveling to different places during their break. Going from Ibiza to Paris to Rome sounded a bit exhausting. I opted for a different option, why not just go to one place for a whole week? It would give me much more time to get to know the city and I wouldn´t be rushed.

manchester-united2As a child I had always been a Manchester United fan. My brother who is two years older than me introduced me to Manchester United while I was very young. Although now, it isn´t my favorite team it still holds a special place in my heart. I grew up watching Manchester United games and dreaming about one day going to Old Trafford. I decided that for my spring break I would take a week long trip to Manchester.

Manchester was not at all as I thought. It wasn´t the way many of my friends described London to me. London IMG_7164 is much more of a touristic spot and Manchester, well Manchester doesn´t seem to have many tourists. In the week I was there I did not find one souvenir shop. Don´t tell me that´s not strange. I felt so at home in Manchester for a simple reason. It reminded me too much of Chicago. There were times where I would walk around the city center, look around and think to my self: Am I in Chicago?

As anyone can imagine my first stop was definitely Old Trafford. It is such a beautiful stadium, one of my favorites to say the least. And I´ve IMG_7247gone to many football stadiums in my lifetime. The whole experience was amazing, I can´t really point out a specific event that happened or a specific section of the stadium I liked because I loved it all. The museum was a lot smaller than I would have thought, its definitely not as big as other ones I´ve visited but Old Traffor Edited it is very informative. If you want to learn about the club´s history, the museum does a spectacular job in showing it.

I was so glad I spent a week, even though that week clearly wasn´t long enough, in that city. I can´t imagine spending just two days there and then having to go to another city. I enjoyed my stay. The only bad part? It was so cold! I was so used to the Barcelona weather and then I end up in Manchester. I will definitely be going there again, maybe this time when its a bit warmer.

Citizen Journalism

There are many journalists that do not like the term ‘citizen journalism.’ As journalists they believe that journalism is a job, a profession, a career. Journalism is something you need to go to school for and earn a degree.  I believe that citizen journalism is a kind of journalism. I wouldn’t call these citizens actual journalists but they are doing a form of it.

twitpic_1240335cThere have been many occasions where there have been tragic events that happen and the only witness might be a regular person who then decided to take out his phone and take a picture. They then posted it on the web to inform others about this event. To me, that is journalism but not on the professional level.

The picture to the left is he first picture of the Hudson River plane crash. It was taken by a citizen who then proceeded to post in online.