
Last week I went to a late night show called “Etiquetats.” This is Catalan for labels. I went to the show thinking it was going to be like any other late night show, it was going to be a comedy something like Lopez Tonight, which was cancelled. It was not.

IMG_7400When we first arrived most of the guests who were going to form part of the audience were in costumes. There were a great variety of them from Instagram pictures to bananas. That’s when I knew I was in for a surprise; this was not a regular show. And it was not, at the beginning of the show we were offered beer and the hosts were drinking beer on air. They cursed and even made not so PG-13 jokes. It was a little uncomfortable at first especially because I don’t fully understand Catalan yet and the audience was sitting on pillows, which really wasn’t all that great. It gradually became better.

I really loved the set up and the content of the show was great. It did run a bit long for my liking but the hosts are talented. One of the hosts is a great pianist and sings just as well. The part I most loved about the show was the use of the media. They were always tweeting and trying toIMG_7402 interact with the audience, I think that’s the most important part.

As the show finished, I finally realized why it was called Labels. Its like they took all those labels society gives and threw them out the window. Their show was unique, fun and it showed me that they didn’t care what others thought. They weren’t going to fit into the mold of all these shows, they were going to do what the wanted and if you like it then watch it but if you don’t they don’t. They did this show because they have fun doing it which was why I loved it so much. I’m not sure if that’s why they named it what they did but to me it was a great experience and it taught me to be myself, and not to care much about others’ opinions.—Programa-6