
IMG_6574[1]This weekend my friends and I took a trip to Valencia. I didn’t know how beautiful that IMG_6530[1]city was. It’s not as big as Barcelona. Valencia has about a lot less inhabitants but nonetheless its a big city. We stayed at a hotel near the city center that was only a few minutes away from the Valencia soccer stadium and from the beach. Although two days was not enough to really get to know Valencia I had a lot of fun and I hope to go back soon, maybe this time for a bit longer. During our stay we entered the Catedral de Valenica on la Plaza de La Reina. Our tour guide mentioned that IMG_6595[1]was the place you could see the whole city once we were on the top. What we didn’t think about was the fact that there were no elevators. We had to climb more than 230 steps to get to the top and that’s when we realized how out of shape we were. Once we reached the top, it was definitely worth it. I was able to not only see he whole city but I was able to see the sea as well.

We didn’t know that during this time, Valencia was celebrating Falles. During the month of March they have fireworks every day a 2pm and then at midnight. It’s something everyone should see, I can’t even explain how great it was. On the last day they burn a huge papier-mâché falla. I want to go back during the burning of the falla, I’ve seen videos and its definitely an experience. The beach was also a great place to visit.