
As spring break approached all I kept hearing was my classmates speaking about traveling to different places during their break. Going from Ibiza to Paris to Rome sounded a bit exhausting. I opted for a different option, why not just go to one place for a whole week? It would give me much more time to get to know the city and I wouldn´t be rushed.

manchester-united2As a child I had always been a Manchester United fan. My brother who is two years older than me introduced me to Manchester United while I was very young. Although now, it isn´t my favorite team it still holds a special place in my heart. I grew up watching Manchester United games and dreaming about one day going to Old Trafford. I decided that for my spring break I would take a week long trip to Manchester.

Manchester was not at all as I thought. It wasn´t the way many of my friends described London to me. London IMG_7164 is much more of a touristic spot and Manchester, well Manchester doesn´t seem to have many tourists. In the week I was there I did not find one souvenir shop. Don´t tell me that´s not strange. I felt so at home in Manchester for a simple reason. It reminded me too much of Chicago. There were times where I would walk around the city center, look around and think to my self: Am I in Chicago?

As anyone can imagine my first stop was definitely Old Trafford. It is such a beautiful stadium, one of my favorites to say the least. And I´ve IMG_7247gone to many football stadiums in my lifetime. The whole experience was amazing, I can´t really point out a specific event that happened or a specific section of the stadium I liked because I loved it all. The museum was a lot smaller than I would have thought, its definitely not as big as other ones I´ve visited but Old Traffor Edited it is very informative. If you want to learn about the club´s history, the museum does a spectacular job in showing it.

I was so glad I spent a week, even though that week clearly wasn´t long enough, in that city. I can´t imagine spending just two days there and then having to go to another city. I enjoyed my stay. The only bad part? It was so cold! I was so used to the Barcelona weather and then I end up in Manchester. I will definitely be going there again, maybe this time when its a bit warmer.