A Daring Experience

As I look at my calendar I see that my days in Barcelona are slowly coming to an end and I can’t help but feel and immense sadness. Barcelona has been my home for the past 4 months and I say my home because it was. It wasn’t just the place I lived in, it was my home. It has taken me so much for me to find that one place where I truly felt like I belonged. I know it sounds cliché but Barcelona stole my heart. From the beginning I knew this was going to happen, I tried not to fall in love with the city because I knew I was going to get too attached. I’ve decided to stay an extra month just so I can full enjoy it. IMG_5613

During my stay here I have learned so much and I’m not just talking about the classes I took. I mean I really learned. I learned and realized so many things that will help me throughout my life. This whole trip has been an amazing experience that has opened my eyes to new cultures and new ideas I wasn’t even aware existed. I also learned to be less selfish. I’ve realized we are so spoiled in America. I volunteered as an English teacher at a convent who took care of children here in Barcelona and you would think I was the one that taught them something but the truth is they made the bigger impact on me, and those kids have taught me so much. There were these kids who didn’t have anything, no parents, no family, and no money but still had smiles on their faces every day. I realized that we are so wrapped up in our own worlds with our material items that we don’t realize that happiness goes beyond getting a new item. Happiness is something that is supposed to last forever not something that is satisfied for a few days or even hours with the purchase of something. It’s true happiness what people look for and I saw that in them. IMG_7513

While I was here, I tried so many new things and challenged myself to be more open to new things. I tried different foods, participated in cultural events, and even learned a new language. It’s that knowledge that lasts forever, and it’s that knowledge that will help me in the future. Overall I would say this experience was the best one I’ve had. I’m so sad to leave but I know I will come back, even if its for a few weeks for vacation or if maybe in a few years I decide to pack my bags and move. For the time being, Barcelona will forever be in my heart and I will remember all these marvelous experiences I once dared to attain.

Sant Jordi

Sant Jordi is a holiday celebrated only in Catalunya. It is celebrated on April 23rd of each year and it consists of a man giving a woman a rose and the woman gives the man a book. The streets of Barcelona are filled with flower and book stands and people fill up the streets. I had never been in Barcelona during Sant Jordi’s day but it was an experience I will always remember.  IMG_7827

I had been told that Sant Jordi gets a little crazy in Barcelona since it is such a big city, but I never knew how much. Las Ramblas was completely crowded making it almost impossible to get through. Buildings hanged large Catalan flags, showing their pride. Because of the recent political events and because Sant Jordi is just a Catalan celebration, many citizens used this opportunity to not only show their love for their region but to protest as well. There were so many protests from work related reasons to the independence movement.

IMG_7803As I made my way down las Ramblas there were book stands with books from different genres. There were soccer books, books about Spain, or anything else you can think of. There were also many rose stands. Although its very traditional to give the woman a red rose the color of the roses ranged from purple to tie-dye which made it better in my opinion. It’s definitely a day  you have to spend in Barcelona. Although the streets were so crowded I could barely get through I wouldn’t have spent Sant Jordi’s day anywhere else.