Tumblr Terms and Conditions

As I read through the terms I was very surprised with the content. Contrary to other terms I’ve read from different social networks  this one had the rules written and then had an explanation below for if anything was unclear. In that explanation, it seemed like the one who wrote the terms was actually speaking to YOU, the reader. And everything I read, is everything I expected, there was nothing shocking, or anything I didn’t like. They even used a bit of comedy. “You have to be at least 13 years old to use Tumblr. We’re serious: it’s a hard rule, based on U.S. federal and state legislation, even if you’re 12.9 years old. If you’re younger than 13, don’t use Tumblr. Ask your parents for an Xbox or try books.”

Facebook changed their terms to say that images uploaded to Facebook and Instagram belong to them, and at some point they said they could even sell them if they wanted to. Tumblr states that if a user uploads their own images, they grant Tumblr permission to make that content available, meaning others can reblog or it can appear on other users’ dashboard. “When you upload your creations to Tumblr, you grant us a license to make that content available in the ways you’d expect from using our services (for example, via your blog, RSS, the Tumblr Dashboard, etc.). We never want to do anything with your content that surprises you.” No hidden surprises on Tumblr. they’ve made it clear that what you upload to Tumblr is yours. “We’re thrilled to offer our support as a platform for our creators, and we’d never claim to be entitled to royalties or reimbursement for the success of what you’ve created. It’s your work, and we’re proud to be a part (however small) of what you accomplish.”